I am going to apply all the previously mentioned developments of in my double master’s degree program Product for Interaction and Strategic Product Design at the Delft University of Technology with a specialization of Medisign, with a focus on designing for the medical world, and my further work as a designer. The choice for a double master’s degree is made because I have the opinion that both the user perspective and the business perspective of the product are important to the success of a product. The user perspective to understand and process the impact that products have on people’s lives, their experiences, motivation, and their behaviour, and the business perspective to use for a proper consideration of market needs, competitive environment, company resources, brand image, and the style and function of the new product. The specialization of Medisign will offer me more depth in the broad spectrum of the medical design world to improve well-being.

After these masters, I am going to be a product designer focused on the human being, who aims to improve quality of live and to give every individual the opportunity to be whoever he or she wants to be without being judged by society. I would like to use medical design in the broadest sense of the word. 

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